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Sunday, 15 October 2017

Judging By Their 2017 Current Form, Reekado Banks vs Lil Kesh – Who Is The Best Rookie Of The Year 2017?

Hi Guys,
It’s another edition of “lifenaija Entertainment Talk“.
Today, We’ve got a very interesting Topic to treat. Something like a Throwback Question or history repeating itself in 2017.  Read below for better understanding!
Let’s say Headies Award was asked to re-run the “2014 Rookie Of The Year Award” that caused uproar between Reekado Banks & Lil Kesh camp and the Winner is to be selected based on his Performance in 2017 so Far – Who Do You Think Would Win?
Now, Let’s get down to business.
In 2015, Reekado Banks won the “Headies Rookie Of The Year Award” and this sparks a very huge Controversies in the music industry after the YBNL Boss, Olamide went on Social media to rant that his Artiste was robbed by the Award Organizers.
On Jan 1st 2017, Reekado Banks won the “Next Rated Award” beating the likes of Lil Kesh, Reekado Banks, Korede Bello, Cynthia Morgan.
One thing we learnt from the “Rookie Of The Year” Award saga was that Headies only celebrates Artiste who has done a Fantastic job in that Particular year and still look very much promising in the next year to come.


What does this means?

Well, to be sincere with you all, Lil Kesh was exceptional and had a better year than Reekado Banks in 2014 but the concept of “Rookie Of The Year Award” is not just doing excellently but to continue on that path the following year to eventually become “The Next Rated” the following year.
Lil Kesh was the hottest among all the nominees followed by Reekado Banks, but Reeky looks so promising. He was a Talent to watch out for as he also had a great year and hope to keep the Dream alive hence winning the “Rookie Of The Year” Award and also went ahead to becomes the Winner of the “Next Rated” Headies Award in 2015.
That was the Calculation and Tactics the Headies Award Team used in picking the Winner of the “Rookie Award” and ever since Reekado Banks has been doing excellently years after years.
Now, Imagine these 2 youngsters are Nominees for a “Rookie Of The Year” Award again in 2017 and you are to Judge the Winner with their work and hits so far in the year 2017,

Who Do You Think Will Win The Award?

Drop your comments.
NOTE:- This post was not published in order to down talk, mock, bring in any Individuals down or to bad mouth their various efforts.
Kindly let your Comments be constructive and matured as the both Artistes will access all of your comments.
If you are viewing this post before the Weekend runs out, We wish you all a sweet weekend and please, Stay out of Trouble!

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